هذي شات تم التطبيق لها في الرفع لعده شغلات وهي اربع ملفات وانتبه في التطبيق ================================================== Facebook Install Chatroll on a Facebook Page: 1.Go to Facebook. In the search bar at the top, type "static html" and select the first result: Static HTML: iframe tabs 2.Click Add Static HTML to a Page. 3.Choose the page you want to add Chatroll to, then click Add Static HTML: iframe tabs 4.On the left of your page, click the Welcome tab. 5.Copy (Ctrl-C) the following HTML embed code: Paste the code in the Enter your content here box. (You might need to type something in the box first.) 6.Click Save and and view tab... 7.Click View your tab as a non-fan to see Chatroll on your Facebook Page. 8.To make the Module bigger or smaller: Change the 'width' and 'height' values of the Chatroll
Try Relay: the free SMS and picture text app for iPhone.
Paste (Ctrl-V) the code where you want Chatroll to appear in your HTML page. 2.To make the Module bigger or smaller: Change the 'width' and 'height' values of the Chatroll
Try Relay: the free SMS and picture text app for iPhone.
================================================== php
PHP Live Chat Software
================================================== vb 1.Download and save the Chatroll vBulletin Product. 2.Log in to the Admin Control Panel of your vBulletin site. 3.From the menu on the left, go to Plugins & Products ? Manage Products. 4.Click [Add/Import Product]. 5.Import the Chatroll vBulletin Product XML file from Step 1. 6.From the menu on the left, go to Styles & Templates ? Style Manager. 7.Select Edit Templates from the dropdown menu. 8.Select any template (we recommend footer) and click Customize. 9.Enter the following text where you want your Chatroll to appear: {vb:raw chatroll.html} 10.Click Save. 11.From the menu on the left, go to vBulletin Options ? Options. 12.Scroll down to Chatroll Settings and click Edit Settings. 13.Copy (Ctrl-C) the following shortcode text: [chatroll id='2D_tU6rsyim' name='g3_101' apikey='oftk8zunt6x8y1l0'] Paste (Ctrl-V) the shortcode into the Chatroll Shortcode box. 14.Enter the name of the Template where you want Chatroll displayed (matching Step 8). Click Save 15.To make the Module bigger or smaller, go back to vBulletin Options ? Chatroll Settings and change the width and height. ================================================== ننتبه بالتطبيق الاخير لمنتديات : تنشي ملف بهذا الاسم product-chatroll-1.4.0.xml وتضع المحتوي هذا Chatroll Live Chat Chatroll for vBulletin 1.4.0 Chatroll Paramameters global_start options['cr_shortcode']; $chatroll[width] = $vbulletin->options['cr_width']; $chatroll[height] = $vbulletin->options['cr_height']; if (empty($chatroll[shortcode])) { $chatroll[html] = "Please set your Chatroll embed shortcode in the vBulletin Settings -> Options -> Chatroll Settings"; } else { $cr = new Chatroll(); $cr->height = $chatroll[height]; $cr->width = $chatroll[width]; $chatroll[html] = $cr->renderChatrollHtmlFromShortcode($chatroll[shortcode]); } // vB4.0 requires the registering the variable with a template before it can be displayed // Ref: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/entry.php?2387-Pushing-your-variables-to-templates vB_Template::preRegister($vbulletin->options['cr_template'], array('chatroll' => $chatroll)); // Export to embed as CMS PHP widget vB_Template::preRegister('vbcms_widget_execphp_page', array('chatroll' => $chatroll)); class Chatroll { public $height; public $width; /** * Render Chatroll HTML from shortcode * e.g. [chatroll id="" name="" apikey=""] */ public function renderChatrollHtmlFromShortcode($shortcode) { return preg_replace_callback('/'.self::$shortcode_pattern.'/s', array($this, 'do_shortcode_tag'), $shortcode); } /** * Set user parameters for SSO integration */ public function appendPlatformDefaultAttr($attr) { global $vbulletin; $attr['platform'] = 'vbulletin'; $attr['uid'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']; $attr['uname'] =$vbulletin->userinfo['username']; // Moderator, Super Moderator and Administrator usergroups if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 5 || $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 6 || $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 7) { $attr['ismod'] = 1; } else { $attr['ismod'] = 0; } // Profile pic and URL $profileurl = create_full_url('member.php?u=' . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']); if (!preg_match('#^[a-z]+://#i', $profileurl)) { $profileurl = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/member.php?u=' . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']; } $attr['ulink'] = $profileurl; // Load profile picture $avatarurl = create_full_url('image.php?u=' . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']); if (!preg_match('#^[a-z]+://#i', $avatarurl)) { $avatarurl = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/image.php?u=' . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']; } $attr['upic'] = $avatarurl; // iframe Dimensions $attr['height'] = $this->height; $attr['width'] = $this->width; return $attr; } /** * Render Chatroll HTML from attributes array */ public function renderChatrollHtml($attr) { $defaults = array( 'domain' => 'chatroll.com', 'platform' => '', // Reference platform 'id' => '', // Chatroll ID 'name' => '', // Chatroll name 'apikey' => '', // API key for SSO 'width' => '450', // Standard embed parameters 'height' => '350', 'bgcolor' => '', // Appearance values (optional; overrides server-side config) 'fgcolor' => '', 'textbgcolor' => '', 'textfgcolor' => '', 'border' => '', 'sound' => '', 'uid' => '', // SSO parameters (optional; overrides generated values) 'uname' => '', 'upic' => '', 'ulink' => '', 'ismod' => '', ); $defaults = $this->appendPlatformDefaultAttr($defaults); // Generate default parameters, based on platform specific user info $attr = $this->shortcode_atts($defaults, $attr); // Merge specified parameter values w/ defaults // Generate Chatroll iframe $output = ""; return $output; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shortcode functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chatroll shortcode regex pattern // e.g. [chatroll width="500" height="400" name="" id="" apikey=""] static $shortcode_pattern = '\[chatroll\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?\]'; static $shortcode_atts_pattern = '/(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)(?:\s|$)|"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\S+)(?:\s|$)/'; // Parase shortcode attributes public function shortcode_parse_atts($text) { $atts = array(); $text = preg_replace("/[\x{00a0}\x{200b}]+/u", " ", $text); if ( preg_match_all(self::$shortcode_atts_pattern, $text, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER) ) { foreach ($match as $m) { if (!empty($m[1])) $atts[strtolower($m[1])] = stripcslashes($m[2]); elseif (!empty($m[3])) $atts[strtolower($m[3])] = stripcslashes($m[4]); elseif (!empty($m[5])) $atts[strtolower($m[5])] = stripcslashes($m[6]); elseif (isset($m[7]) and strlen($m[7])) $atts[] = stripcslashes($m[7]); elseif (isset($m[8])) $atts[] = stripcslashes($m[8]); } } else { $atts = ltrim($text); } return $atts; } // Combine default values w/ extracted attributes array public function shortcode_atts($pairs, $atts) { $atts = (array)$atts; $out = array(); foreach($pairs as $name => $default) { if ( array_key_exists($name, $atts) ) $out[$name] = $atts[$name]; else $out[$name] = $default; } return $out; } public function do_shortcode_tag($m) { $attr = $this->shortcode_parse_atts($m[1]); return $this->renderChatrollHtml($attr); } }]]> Settings page on chatroll.com:
  • Colors
  • Sound
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • White Label
(e.g. "350" for 350px)]]> (Your Shortcode can be found on your Chatroll's Settings page on chatroll.com)]]> (e.g. "footer")]]> (e.g. "100%" for the 100% width)]]>
free free 100% free 350 free footer boolean -
================================================ وتنبيه مهم موقع الجميع : ليس لنا الان هو ملغي وتحول للاسف الى موقع قلت ادب